Thursday, December 16, 2010

Things I have learned from 2010

Seeing as we are only 2 weeks away from 2011 and so many changes have/are occurring, I thought that my next post might be about the things I have learned this past year. When Jason and I kissed to 2010 on New Year's, we had no clue what was in store for us. I found out I was pregnant on January 3rd, my Dad's birthday. Many know the story but just in case you don't, this is the basic version:

I had been eating a lot of pickles, and as Jason and I were getting ready to drive to my parents' to celebrate my Dad's birthday, I was walking around the house eating a pickle. Jason said, "you've been eating a lot of pickles lately." I jokingly responed, "maybe I'm pregnant." Then I went into the bathroom took a test without Jason knowing, and then I started yelling his name, with the door shut. He came to the door, asking if I was ok. I just kept saying, "hold on," as the positive symbol got darker and darker. I opened the door and said, "I think I'm pregnant." I was so excited but didn't want to get my hopes up, in case the test was wrong (you can't get a false positive I later learned), but honestly, I was terrified. Jason just remained calm and collected, as always, smiling and hugging me. We both weren't expecting our lives to change in that way less than a year after we were married, but God had other plans. That plan is now the most precious thing and biggest blessing of our lives.

With June being born, so much of mine and Jason's life has changed drastically: we don't hit up the bars on the weekends, its tough to see our college friends who don't live close, I haven't bought clothes for myself in ages yet I can't seem to stop buying them for June (sorry Jason), date night is hard to come by, no more cussing, going to Starbucks takes 30 minutes of prep time, and so much more. But none of these things seem to matter anymore. We both would give it all up, and honestly, I would have given everything up sooner had I known how much joy and love June would bring to my life.

So here is my list of things I have learned from the wonderful year of 2010:

1. I don't have control of anything anymore. June is in control of everything. She is Queen Bee.

2. I am emotional. Everything makes me cry now, even the joyful things. I cried feeding June in the backseat of my car in the Trader Joes parking lot last week because of a song that came on.

3. A baby's smile can make all confusion, sadness and frustration fly right out the window.

4. Not taking a shower for 3 days, having perfectly manicured hands and feet, and having roots will not kill me, I just might not want to venture out of the house until I clean myself up.

5. A baby spitting up/pooping on an expensive shirt is not the end of the world.

6. Not losing all the baby weight yet means that I obviously focus all my attention on my baby and in a way makes me selfless.

7. That uncontrollable sobbing can only be soothed by my/your mom's voice, even if its on the phone (whether you're a baby or a 27 year old woman).

8. Babies bring families together.

9. Being a stay-at-home mom is actually a profession.

10. Getting 10 minutes alone is progress.

11. A baby can both laugh and cry at the same time.

12. Snuggling with June is now my favorite past time. I even wake her up sometimes just because I want to hold her so bad.

13. God has a plan and truly is the one in control.

14. My husband is the most amazing man and father, and I am so lucky that he chose me. And that through the lows and the highs that he is truly the only person who understands me.

15. Siblings are one of those gifts that God gives, because He knows the positive impact that they will have not only on your life, but on your childrens' lives as well.

16. Grandparents/our parents are a blessing who take over when you can't seem to move forward.

17. The word sacrifice shouldn't have a negative connotation to it. Its actually such a positive aspect of our lives now.

18. Mother's intuition actually exists and trumps any medical journal or profession.

19. I actually am very maternal and have patience (I know many people doubted this).

20. That I couldn't love anything or anyone more that I love June, unconditionally, forever and forever.

On that note, I will stop. June just woke-up and I get to snuggle with her and feed her. 2010 has been the best year of my life. Can't wait to see what 2011 has in store... oh yeah! I'm getting a brother-in-law!

1 comment:

  1. I love number 6! I struggle with that.
    P.s.-is jenny getting married?
