Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Teething, Solids, the Flu... Oh My!

I wrote this on February 9th but got so busy and couldn't finish it, so here it is anyway. Just don't want it to go to waste... What a week its been! My poor June has been going through some tough times. She got her first official tooth on Sunday, yup Super Bowl Sunday. We could see it was coming just about anyday but as we were driving to a friend's to watch the game, I checked her gums and WHOA! that bite hurt! Her tooth had finally come in! Its tough to keep her mouth open and take a picture so I'll have to add one in one of my later posts, but anyhow it was such a big moment: I mean, her first tooth?! What's next, potty training? We started June on solids, rice cereal, on January 20th but we have been taking it one day at a time. We actually took a break and started back up last week, because she just wasn't ready. She couldn't manage to get anything in her mouth without spitting it out and pushing her tongue forward. Last week, round 2 of solids began. I tried the rice cereal again and surprisingly, she managed to swallow some. I have to say, my theatrical background has really helped in this department. I was practically leaping and dancing sround in the kitchen in order to amuse her enough to "open wide." It was really fun! She loves when the train goes "CHOO CHOO" into her mouth. We are still taking it one day at a time though as her tongue thrusting is still pretty strong. Just when I thought we were on track to some normalcy with all this, the flu hits!